Tuesday, March 8, 2011

According to...

"In 2005, 32.5 million cattle were slaughtered to provide beef for US consumers . Scientists believe about two-thirds of American cattle raised in for slaughter today are injected with hormones to make them grow faster and America’s dairy cows are given a genetically-engineered hormone called rBGH to increase milk production. These measures mean higher profits for the beef and dairy industries, but what does it mean for consumers? Although the USDA and FDA claim these hormones are safe, there is growing concern that hormone residues in meat and milk might be harmful to human health and the environment."

     From this website, I have learned that the hormones that we consume from eating meat is actually really dangerous for our health; it may obstruct human hormone balance, developmental problems may happen, reproductive system may be interfered, and it can also lead to the development of breast, prostate, or colon cancer. It affects children, pregnant women, and unborn babies the most. The residues in cow manure are also dangerous since it contaminates surface and groundwater. [Paraphrased]
     This is a useful website for my topic "hormones in meat" because it talks about how hormones have numerous of negative effects on our health. It also tells us about how what we should do in order to protect us from hormone-related health risks. 

"Studies done so far do not provide evidence to state that hormone residues in meat or dairy products cause any human health effects. However, a conclusion on lack of human health effect can only be made after large-scale studies compare the health of people who eat meat or dairy products from hormone-treated animals, to people who eat a similar diet, but from untreated animals."

     This second website is more detail than the first one, but basically they both are almost about the same thing. It explained about what hormones are, why it is used in food production, why consumers are concerned about it, what kind of hormones they use in the production, the effects of hormones, and a lot more including some tips at the end of the website. 
     Based on the article, hormones are used to make young animals gain weight faster, and so less amount of feed to give and less waiting time, and so more profit can be made. It is also used to increase milk production in cows. The six type of hormones that are approved by FDA for being used in the food production are estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, zeranol, trenbolone acetate, and melengestrol acetate. The tips that this website offer are to eat a varied diet, rich in fruits, grains and vegetables, to eat meats in moderation, well cooked, but not charred, and to eat more lean muscle meat, less liver and fat. [Paraphrased]

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